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Loose Leash Talking, a blog about walking and talking with your dog.

Just a dog or Fur Baby, What Science Proves

Just a dog or Fur Baby, What Science Proves

A dogs relationship with their owner shares many similarities to that of a human infant to their mother.

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"You get what you give", Its true with dogs too!

"You get what you give", Its true with dogs too!

But today I am going to focus on one tiny but important element of getting your dog to return to you when you ask. Notice I wrote "ASK" not command. And that's kinda it in a nut shell....

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Power Walk?  Tips for Walking a Big, Strong, Enthusiastic Dog

Power Walk? Tips for Walking a Big, Strong, Enthusiastic Dog

Is your dog stronger than you?

Maybe you are a person with a smaller frame, or like me, on the more 'seasoned' side of life...But you love big dogs. And, of course you want your dog to be healthy. And a big healthy dog is bouncy and lets face it, even with the best training, sometimes pulls on lead. A big strong dog pulling a small person can be a dangerous situation, Injuries from dog walking are pretty common, according to the emergency room staff all the times I was in for dog walking related injuries. Luckily all of my injuries have been relatively minor. And all of them were my own fault.

As I become more 'seasoned' in life, the more I want to avoid injuries. So I have come up with some techniques you can use to prevent injures while walking your big, bouncy fluffer.

For adults only!

PLEASE never hand the leash to a child. Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing an adult hand the leash of a big dog to a small child! I don't care how well you think your dog is trained, it is still a dog and if that dog decides to do a normal doggy thing like run, they are putting the child as risk of serious injury and trauma! As well as other people and dogs around them.

Recall, not just for running

Dog trainers disagree on a lot but I think they mostly all agree that a great recall is an essential skill for every dog to have. but its not just for a dog running toward something or someone you don't want them to. It can be a huge help in walking a large dog on lead. Instead of yanking on the leash to get the dog to move in certain direction, what if you could just say "lets go this way" and your dog follows you? There are lots of online training programs to teach fantastic recalls, but my favorite is Susan Garrett's Recallers program. You can find out more information on that and all her other programs at

Be Nosey

Along that same line a reliable nose/hand touch is super useful to get your dog to move without pulling on the leash at all. Imagine, simply presenting your palm and your dog trots over to nose bop your hand and get a treat! And poof your dog is moving in the direction you want!


The best piece of gear I have ever used, the one thing that profoundly changed how I walk my husky, and made our walks joyful again was a long line. NOT the retractable one! I have seen plenty a scars on human legs from those things! It does take a bit of learning on how to properly handle a long line to avoid entanglement. I learned how from the "Walk with Me" at the Grisha Stewart Academy. has some strong, yet soft, 15 foot long lines available here:

One thing I have never seen mentioned in any dog training courses or books is something I discovered, like all the best discoveries, by accident. I had a sprained wrist and had to wear a wrist brace for a few weeks. I also needed to walk my dog in those few weeks. I put the loop of the leash over the brace. At first it felt cumbersome, but then I realized how strong my wrist felt when my  dog (occasionally) pulled. So I kept wearing it after my wrist healed and now wear it on every walk. It is the kind with the metal bar in it so if My husky pulls hard, like if he really wants to run to another dog, I can wrap the leash around the brace and I have a much stronger arm! And my wrist is in less danger of getting sprained. 

Treats, C spray and a Blade

Yeah, That's a lot to carry but,  as my grandma always told me, "it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" The treats are for your own dog or if a loose dog (UGG!) is coming toward you SOMETIMES if you toss treats away from you the loose dog with follow the treats giving you and you dog a chance to leave.

The C spray or pepper spray is a very, very last resort if you and you dog get in serious trouble, either with a dog, wildlife or a person. I found cute little pink ones at a sporting goods stare that can fit in my pocket. Learn how and when to use it, You do NOT want to be trying figuring it out in the middle of an emergency.

The blade... A switch blade?  A Samori sword? Nah, I carry a little box cutter. It is mostly in case we meet a friendly dog, play commences and collars or harnesses get stuck together. Yes, dogs have died because of this scenario. That's why many trainers advise that dogs play together naked. But we all know sometimes things don't happen as we think they should. I feel better being prepared.

Be silly and don't give a f...ig about what people think

Come on, fess up, you have a special silly song you sing to your dog....It's OK we all do. That silly little song can be very useful. Your dog needs to know that everything is all hunky dory. They take their cue as to the status of the environment from you, And even on a long line they can feel any change of emotion from you. But there are times you may start to feel wary on walks, as you should. But singing your little doggy ditty as you walk does a few things... it tells your dog all is well. And if you are coming up on a blind corner it may be a heads up to someone rounding the corner toward you. You don't want your dog to be startled. Dogs react badly to being startled.

Don't be a jerk

If your big ole fluffer takes off and full speed with you at the other end of the leash you want to avoid two things, one you don't want to be pulled to the ground, and you don't want your dog to reach the end of the leash while at full tilt and be jerked back. This could result in injury to both of you. What you can do to try to minimize the chance of injury is with your center of gravity on your back leg to take a few steps forward as you slowly tighten the leash to gradually stop your dog. No jerking needed. 

Run, Run Rover...

Sometimes You really want your dog to move along but they are insisting on sniffing that one spot FOREVER. You don't want to pull on the lead, because that just engages their opposition reflex and they plant their feet like an oak tree! Here's a not so secret secret...Dogs love to play chase, it is almost irresistible to most of them. Dogs at play take turns chasing each other. It's the reason why chasing a runaway dog never works, you are running toward them,  But if you switch rolls and run AWAY from your dog the will give chase and run toward you.  But how to do this on lead?? Here's where the real silliness begins...while standing to the side but with in eyesight of your dog, crouch down like you are ready to take off running, make a silly sound to get you dogs attention, a kissy noise or what ever, then turn away from your dog and fake run, take some little bouncy steps, or as I do 'the ole lady run'. Be joyfully silly! Your dog will think "hey what is going on over there? A party without me?" And before you know it here comes your dog!

I hope these tips help you and I would love to see videos or photos of you and your dog on our Facebook page:

Dogs always seek joy and fun.  Be the source of all that is joyful in your dogs world.







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What you see is what you get!

What you see is what you get!

Some folks may say that act was willful or spiteful, they see a 'bad' dog. But I see something else entirely.

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5 Tips for Walking your 'Complicated' Dog

5 Tips for Walking your 'Complicated' Dog

There are times when walking your dog is not as pleasant as we imagine.

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Help! The world is EXPLODING!

Help! The world is EXPLODING!

Any shelter worker will tell you fourth of July and New Years Eve are the busiest days of the year for lost pets. The phone rings non stop with people desperately asking if their pet has been turned in. A constant stream of people bringing in terrified pets they found,some with injuries.I speak from personal experience, and trust me, it is horrific.

I know as pet parents we will do everything we can to keep our pets safe and free of fear.

Make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an id tag

Make sure the the information on the microchip is up to date

Keep your pet indoors, in a quiet room with the windows closed and AC on. (the smell, as well as the noise is overwhelming for them)

Stay with your dog, cuddle up, share some snacks, watch a movie together, be your dogs safe person.

Thunder shirts are great, but if you don't have one you can use an old tee shirt, (preferably with your scent on it) Put the dogs front legs through the arm holes, make a knot on the dogs back with the extra loose material so it doesn't hang down.

Stay calm and cuddle on!

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Episode 10 How a Golden Retriever Learned to Fly

Episode 10 How a Golden Retriever Learned to Fly

When I was asked to help get her ready to fly a few months ago I really did not know what to expect. I mean, I knew I had to get her really comfortable in her crate and used to strange, loud sounds and all kinds of people with stuff that rolls, everything from carry on suitcases to big rolling carts.  But I wasn't really sure of the process at the airline.

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Episode 10, Stuff happens...

Episode 10, Stuff happens...

Pono ran to me, "What are you doing down there Mom? Is this a new game? We don't usually play here..?" Pono pawed at my head.

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Episode 9,  I sniff, therefore I am!

Episode 9, I sniff, therefore I am!

 Hey humans! Pono here. Today Mom and I went on a most wonderful walk. Ok, so maybe I am a little biased because I think any walk with my mom is wonderful... But on this one...She started thinking about walks.. read her thoughts? Of course I can! ;) Besides her thoughts and mine are almost the same. ;)

I guess there are some folks out there that feel that a 'good' walk with their dog means the dog walks right beside them, looking up at them the whole time. To me this seems like a real pain in the neck, I mean as a human would you walk around with your nose turned toward the clouds all day? Sometimes we see dogs being walked like that and I feel so sorry for them. No chance to do any sniffing.

A word about sniffing, it is probably the most important thing to a dogs mental well being. Not being allowed to sniff is like going to a shopping mall full of enticing stores and not being allowed to go in any of them, or if someone was holding your cell phone just out of reach... you see that there are messages but you are not allow to read them or respond. What could be more maddening than that?  Oh wait, I know! They hand your phone to you and just as your start to read the messages and form a response they yank on your arm and pull you away from the phone! Makes you wanna bite somebody, doesn't it? 

I am so glad my mom lets me sniff as long as I want. She very rarely pulls me away from a sniff. And so I get to read all the messages left by other dogs and leave a message of my own. 

The next thing she thought about was choices. Who gets to make the choices on a walk? In the car, Mom makes all the choices no matter what I say, but when we go walking its a whole different story. She lets me choose most of the route, especially if I ask nicely by doing a cute sit. Mostly anyway, I can't resist going the way she asks when she calls me in that sing song way she has.

And then there is the equipment. It took years for us to figure out our favorite harness and leash. For the harness, it is the Blue9 Balance Harness with the neck buckle. It gives me so much freedom of movement its like I am not wearing anything! Now that I have worn the Blue I don't think I will ever go back.

And then there is the leash, oh we have been through so many, but what mom learned from a lady in the computer named Grisha Stewart changed our walking life for ever. (if I ever get to meet her I am gonna give her a big slobbery kiss!) Grisha taught my mom how to use something called a 'long line'. I love because it lets me easily take those few extra steps to get to all those sniffs I talked about. And mom doesn't have to leave the path, (mostly). Mom thinks I get a little more exercise because I can trot more on a long line. (my mom doesn't run a whole lot). When I stop to sniff Mom walks up ahead to almost the end of the line and waits for me to finish my sniff. She doesn't pull the leash of even put tension on it. She just turns a little toward me and waits. When I have left my message on the spot I can trot to her and up ahead to the next spot.

By the end of our walk I am so happy I got to spend time with my mom one on one, just us,and very satisfied that I got to read and send all the messages I wanted to. And I am ready for a snack and a nap!

Sometimes people tell us that old tired joke about who is walking who, Mom just smiles because she knows, We are walking each other.

Pono,The Siberian Sea Dog loving life

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Episode 8, Help! Big scary BOOM BOOMS!

Episode 8, Help! Big scary BOOM BOOMS!

Hey Humans! Pono here! Mom says its going to be a brand New Year soon and humans like to go a little nuts and 'celebrate'...I am not sure what that means but there seems a lot of strange, scary noises involved. I, myself, being the very brave boy that I am, don't really notice but mom says some dogs get scared, very very scared. They even try to run away thinking they can outrun the big booms. and they can get hurt or worse! Mom has some ideas of how to help your dog get through a night full of big scary booms, She says:

Take your dog on a nice long sniffari walk earlier in the day to release energy and stress. (sniffing helps dogs release stress).

Give your dog a nice big meal before the booms start, who isn't sleepy after a nice big meal?

Be sure your dog has time to go out to do their business before the booms start.

Create a safe space. Give your dog a quiet, cool room to stay in, Close the curtains, turn on the TV, turn on the AC.

Relax  and cuddle up in the room with your dog, watch a movie. Watch the ball drop on TV.

If your dog is on the floor put a box fan on the floor near your dog, It interrupts the sound waves. (Thank you Kim Brophey).

A thundershirt is a wonderful drug free way to calm your dog but if you don't have one and your dog is medium to large you can do something similar with an old tee shirt, of course you can use a new tee shirt but if you use one you have worn your scent may help to calm your dog. Put the dog two front legs in the arm holes and of course the head through the head hole. Gather up the shirt on the dogs back (not too tight) and make a knot so the shirt is not hanging under the belly. I did this with Moku years ago and he would sleep through most the fireworks

Some people recommend CBD oil. It can be helpful for some dogs but you need to be very careful that it is safe for dogs, and that it works on YOUR dog. It makes Pono into a hot mess.

Personally, I try to avoid drugs (for my dog and for myself ;)) if possible because some of the drugs that vets give simply paralyze the dog. So your dog is still terrified but is ultra traumatized because they are unable to move. I cannot imagine how awful that must feel. And of course that makes your dog terrified to the tenth power. And after reading the side effect of some of these drugs I will avoid them if at all possible.

There is some different opinions floating around about if you should comfort your dog when they are frightened or not, some say if you do you are re-enforcing the fear. Others say you should comfort them as you would a frightened child. I feel that since fear is an emotional response and you are not going to 're-enforce' it by comforting your dog. But if you are acting or reacting with alarm your dog will react to you...'Mom is scared, it must be BAD!'

But if you calmly cuddle up on the couch or bed its like "Well this is nice, me and mom together!"

And of course make sure your dog is microchiped with current information and is wearing a collar with current id info as well.

I can't imagine a better way to ring in the New Year than cuddled up with my Poni Pons! Er.. I my my brave boy Pono, The Siberian Sea Dog!

Wishing each one of you a very relaxing celebration and Happy and healthy New Year!


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